From Shine Materials
The Gardener by Sarah Stewart
The Curious Garden by Peter Brown
The Sower by Vincent van Gogh
“Parable of the Sower” by Max7 (YouTube)
“Planting Seeds of Love” by Pam Donkin (YouTube), stop at 2:45
Other Materials
Video: Kids Church, The Parable of the Sower
Project: Milkweed Seed Bombs
Game: Walk & Stop (Video)
Video: Active Listening
Video: Sois La Semilla
Book: In a Garden
Book: What will grow
Art: A Blessing of Roots
Book: Growing Vegetable Soup
Book: Planting a Rainbow
Book: Eating the Alphabet
Book: Up in the Dirt
Video: Kidz Church: the Parable of the Sower
Video: The Garden Song, John Denver & the Muppets
Book: The Little Gardener
Art: The Sower Parable Betram Poole