Worship as the body gathered in different places
March 22, 2020

A service planned and programmed by Tim Schrag and Bryce Miller

A playlist of the pre recorded sections:

Individual elements:

  • Prelude: Gospel Music by Kenny Rogers
  • Call to worship:  #673 in the Hymnal. –
    O God, author of eternal light, lead us this day: that our lips may praise you, our lives may bless you, and our meditations glorify you, through Christ our Lord.
  • Opening Song: Sanctuary
  • Candle Lighting
  • HWB 118: Praise God From Whom
  • Announcements:
    • Worship will continue on line. We will be experimenting with different forms and ideas with details posted each week on the Menno website. We will resume in-person congregating as soon as it is advisable.
    • Bryce is available every day for your needs. Even in the event of a shelter in place order, I would expect Clergy would have some privileges to do errands of assistance. PLEASE, if you have needs—where ever you are—do not hesitate to contact to me so I can do what I can.

      Further, I have established a standing “Meeting Room” for Zoom Video conferences. If you would like an electronic Face-to-Face, set up a time and meet Bryce who will provide a link

      The Church facility is available for exercise and simply a change of pace. Please call before you come to confirm availability (We still need social distance) and to let Bryce know so the building can be kept healthy for everyone.

      The board will meet Tuesday evening to discuss the way forward. Please hold them all in prayer.


Children’s Story

Song By request (shared in Facebook)
We Are Not Alone
Mercy Me: Almost Home
Down to the River to Pray

A Menu of Worship: The Psalms for All times By Bryce Miller
An Index of Psalms by topic

Congregational Sharing/Response
O God we pray this day
for all who have a song they cannot hear
for all who have a burden they cannot bear
for all who have chains they cannot break
for all who wander homeless and cannot return
for those who are sick and cannot attend them
for those who wait for loved ones and wait in vain
for those who live in hunger
and for those who will not share their bread
for those who are misunderstood
and for those who misunderstand
for those who are captives and those who are captors
for those whose words are locked within their hearts
and for those who yearn to hear those words.
Have mercy on these O Lord
Have mercy upon us all, Amen
At this time let us all pray the Lord’s prayer.
Our Father who – (use the version you wish)

Sending Song: The Lord Lift you Up

Go each one in Peace, remembering that the light shines in the darkness; and the darkness can not over come it. Come what may. Amen.