Revealing what is

May 24, 2020
Bible Text: Isaiah 68:1-4 | Pastor: Bryce Miller | We are invited into what God is revealing to us and in us in this season and every season.

The Good Shepherd

May 10, 2020
Bible Text: John 10:1-10 | Pastor: Bryce Miller | We are invited to listen for the voice of the good Shepherd.


April 5, 2020
Bible Text: Matthew 21:1-11 | Pastor: Bryce Miller | We are invited to meet Jesus at the cross roads of following onward toward Jerusalem.

Can these bones live?

March 29, 2020
Bible Text: Ezekiel 37:1-10 | Pastor: Bryce Miller | Where do we seek God's action in new places? this is a online first service.  The whole order is available here